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360 Point of Interest Physical Reality Tour

This service is suitable for existing properties. We create a 3D model of the property by mapping it at all strategic points. We map the property using special equipment. As our model is based on real visuals, it truly resembles the real property. As such, when the users use this model, they feel they are visiting the real property.

Once the mapping is complete, we interlink visuals on a special application. Navigation links are created to move from one location to another. Interactive menus and maps are also created for easy navigation. At the start of the application, users are placed at the entrance point. They can visualize the whole location by turning around in any direction, just like visualizing a reallocation. In addition to the visuals, they see navigation and information tags. When the contact navigation tags, they are transported to the next location. When they contact information tags, they access all the data associated with the tagged object. Users can keep navigating from location to location by choosing the relevant navigation tags. Else they can choose an auto-pilot to navigate them through the whole property automatically. This mode can also be used on big displays like LED screens or projection systems to continuously run a promotion of the property.

Users can also use the menu to jump directly to desired locations, bypassing intermediate points. Interactive maps can also be provided for easy navigation. These maps give an overview of the whole property. Users can navigate directly to any location using interactive maps. These maps also show the current location of the users.

This service can easily be augmented to many advanced services like visual navigation, indoor navigation, procedural navigation and disaster management.


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Desktop application

Cloud-based application


Platforms available for

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Input methods

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VR headset

File formats available

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Windows Executable (.exe)

Google Street Views

Android APK

iOS application

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