A2 VR - Virtual Reality Services

Interactive Physical Reality
This is an advanced service involving creating a 3D model from an existing property. We are bringing up this service very soon. In this service, we scan the existing property and create a high-quality 3D model. This model contains all details of the current property as this model has been created by scanning the physical property. The property is represented in the exact form.
After completion of the model, we identify strategic locations where we want our users to be present. These points are pivots of 360 panoramic visuals which users would visualize when they use this service. Once all the locations are marked, we interlink them on a special application. Each location can now be approached easily from another location in the vicinity. Proper markers are marked in visuals for navigation purposes.
Next, we create a menu for navigation. Interactive maps are also added to jump to a location directly without navigating all the intermediate points. After completion of navigation options, we add information and data to various elements of the model. This information could be in any form, like text, audio, video or external links. The extent of this information is decided in consultation with our clients.
When users use this service, they are placed at the start point in the model. They can see the whole property around them. Whenever they turn their eyes, whole visual turn accordingly, giving them a real life-like immersive experience. In the visual, they see navigation markers and information tools. Upon contacting them, they can navigate to the next location and access data. Users can also use navigation menu and interactive maps to navigate point to point.
This service can easily be augmented into Visual Navigation, Procedural navigation, Disaster Management Service, Virtual Reality Website and many more of our services. The model created in this service can also be used by rescue and security agencies for their purposes. This model is so interactive and easy to use, no special technical know-how is required.


Desktop application
Cloud-based application
Platforms available for

Input methods

VR headset
File formats available

Windows Executable (.exe)
Google Street Views
Android APK
iOS application