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Museums can utilize our services and products in showcasing their properties to users while they are still at their places. Museums play an important role in promoting tourism. As such, generating interests in visitors would be a great advantage for museums in promoting footfalls.

Our virtual reality models for existing properties are a great way of showcasing a museum. We create immersive tours using 360 panoramic photographs of museums and embed huge amount of informative data. When users use our products and services, they not only have an immersive experience similar to actually visiting a museum, they also have access to a large amount of information about components of the museum, which otherwise would not be possible to display in a real museum. This information can be in the form of text, audio, video or external web links.
In addition, museums can utilize our virtual reality websites and virtual reality mobile applications for the benefit of users.

Museums attract a large number of visitors. As such, our disaster management services are of immense use for museums. Our disaster management services can be embedded in the museum website and mobile apps. Both users and rescue agencies can utilize this service to easy and safe rescue operations.

Our indoor navigation services and visual navigation provide an easy way to navigate a museum building. Since in large covered spaces, GPS signals are not available, satellite navigation is not possible. We use special techniques and equipment to provide indoor navigation. Our navigation is based on real 360 panoramic visuals in addition to maps. So it becomes very easy even for non-technical users to use this navigation.

Indoor Navigation
Disaster Managment


Art Gallery

We can provide a complete visual tour in virtual reality format for any public building or property. Users can make themselves habitual about such properties even before visiting them. The experience is so immersive, they feel they are actually visiting the property. This helps in knowing about a public building and its services before visiting. This also helps in reducing chaos and irregular human traffic in such places.

We use 360 panoramic visuals of the existing property and link them on a special application. We add navigation options and detailed information on these visuals. Once users access this tour, they can navigate point to point in the property using menus, interactive maps and intuitive markers. At each location, they can access all the information embedded in it. 

These tours can run on PCs, laptops, mobile devices and VR sets. You can also upload them to your websites and mobile applications. You can even use it for informative and promotional purposes by uploading and displaying them on large format screens at public places.

360 POI Physical Reality Tour
Visual Navigation
Procedural Navigation


We are developing these services too.

These are the services on which we are working side by side and we will be launching them soon in the market.

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